Yanrong Ji, Jerry
Rotating Student
Yanrong, or Jerry as he prefers to be called, was originally from Beijing, China. He moved to Hong Kong after he graduated from high school and completed an Associate Degree in HKUSPACE Community College, a community college attached to the University of Hong Kong. He then transferred to University of Wisconsin-Madison and finished his undergraduate study in Biochemistry with a Business minor there. During his undergraduate study, He worked as undergraduate researcher in a Mass Spectrometry and a breast cancer lab, where he received training in molecular biology, biochemistry, analytical chemistry and cancer biology.He is now a graduate student at Northwestern University focusing on cancer research. He is highly interested in cancer personalized and precision therapy involving genomics and proteomics, discovery of novel biomarkers and therapeutics. He is now a rotation student for 2016 Fall quarter in Amaral lab looking for opportunity to participate in research involving big data and complex system analysis in the bio field.
- B. Sc. Biochemistry (Business Minor), University of Wisconsin-Madison (2016)