Martin Gerlach
Postdoctoral Fellow
I was born and grew up in Germany. I studied Physics at the Technical University Dresden, where I received my Diploma in 2011. I then went to do my PhD at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, with Eduardo G. Altmann (finishing in early 2016). After that I joined Amaral-lab in April 2016.
I am a physicist by education and interested in the study of complex systems. Combining analytical and numerical methods from statistical physics and dynamical systems in the form of simple mathematical models with statistical analysis of experimental data (e.g. human activity on the internet) my aim is to understand the dynamical mechanisms underlying different complex systems.My current research focuses on applying these methods to natural language, which can be regarded as a remarkable example of a complex dynamical system emerging from the interaction of millions of individuals.
Personal website: https://martingerlach.github.io/
- Ph. D. Physics (Advisor: E. G. Altmann), Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (2016)
- M. Sc. Physics (Advisor: J.-M. Rost), Technical University Dresden, Germany (2011)