Sarah Ben Maamar
Chemical and Biological Engineering
2145 Sheridan Road (Room E136)
Evanston, IL 60208, U.S.A.
+1 847-491-7238Bio
Sarah’s main focus in the Amaral Lab is the assessment of the reproducibility and replicability of bioinformatic pipelines commonly used in RNA-Seq data processing. She’s using an approach of benchmarking and parameters tuning to assess biases associated to the use of common specific softwares in RNA-Seq analyses. She also participates into a project aiming at connecting lung microbiome of infectious pneumonia patient from Intensive Care Units with their clinical response to classic pneumonia treatments encompassing the usage of antibiotics.
- Ph. D. Microbial Ecology, Université de Rennes 1 (France) (2016)
- M. Sc. Applied and Fundamental Microbiology, Université de Brest (France) (2011)