Luís A. Nunes Amaral
Professor of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
Professor of Medicine (by courtesy)
Professor of Molecular Biosciences (by courtesy)
Professor of Physics & Astronomy (by courtesy)
Chemical & Biological Engineering
2145 Sheridan Road (Room E136)
Evanston, IL 60208, US
(847) 491-7850Origin of compartmentalization in food webs
Ecology 91, 2941-2951 (2010)
Times cited: 43
The response of an ecosystem to perturbations is mediated by both antagonistic
and facilitative interactions between species. It is thought that a community’s resilience
depends crucially on the food web—the network of trophic interactions—and on the food
web’s degree of compartmentalization. Despite its ecological importance, compartmentalization
and the mechanisms that give rise to it remain poorly understood. Here we investigate
several definitions of compartments, propose ways to understand the ecological meaning of
these definitions, and quantify the degree of compartmentalization of empirical food webs. We
find that the compartmentalization observed in empirical food webs can be accounted for
solely by the niche organization of species and their diets. By uncovering connections between
compartmentalization and species’ diet contiguity, our findings help us understand which
perturbations can result in fragmentation of the food web and which can lead to catastrophic
effects. Additionally, we show that the composition of compartments can be used to address
the long-standing question of what determines the ecological niche of a species.